Thursday, November 17, 2011

Eco in Kirtipur

In the time of Gopal dynasty people of  kirtipur are true farmers. Their festivals, tradition everything is directly or indirectly attached to farming. Beside theses people were greatly skilled in knitting cloths. Every house used to be loaded with hand made knitting tools. That is why even today in quiz competitions a questions is asked-” which place is famous for cloths in Nepal” and the answer is “kirtipur”. The temples in kirtipur are still luring the are experts. They are simply monumental. Even a lay man is bemused by observing them. Every aspects of our kirtipur is full of glory if we peep in past. Now lets discuss the present situation.
In recent years kirtipur is doing a great job in education sectors. The numbers of educational institutions are increasing and are serving in positive way. The places like chobar, taudaha and aadinath is getting recognized for its tourism values. Numbers of hotels, restaurants have increased and so are financial transactions.
Major jobs of kirtipur:

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