Thursday, November 17, 2011

The usage of donations within the Primary Education Program Kirtipur

I have limited the maximum number of children supported by the Primary Education Program Kirtipur to 55. Probably the majority of the scholars will have completed the primary school in early 2014 A.D. I bear the responsibility to definitely give the support promised to all selected children really until completion of the primary level.
Yet the total amount of necessary donations until 2014 can't be calculated by plain projection based on the number of students:
 the beginning of school year 2008/2009 for the time being 40 children were supported, then from school year 2019/2010 on   in total 55. One has to consider that some of the first 40 students had left the program already by various reasons.  Not each of the selected children was enrolled in class 1 at the beginning of the of the scholarship, some of them were already enrolled in class 2. Because of fluctuation e.g. due to moves of the parents to places outside Kirtipur Municipality we will fill the scholarship by other children and thus it seems likely that some children have to be sponsored beyond 2014.
The donations for the Primary Education Program Kirtipur are therefore collected in a common fund from which the yearly scholarships are gathered. At this point I'd like to stress again that even the smallest amount of donation will be most welcomed and will be an important support for our projects!!
So far as the donations will exceed the requirements necessary for the scholarships of the 55 students, the surplus shall be used for a continuing support of at least a part of the children at continuing schools after Primary level. Of course the final decision on this matter can only be taken at a later date when we have a clear view about the available budget.

Promises of donators for taking over the sponsorship for one or more children  for the entire primary classes of 5 years would of course remarkably ease the long-term planning of the program.

Such a promise (certainly revocable at any time) could be referred to a periodical yearly donation of 100 Euro per child or meaning a  single donation of the total sponsoring of 500 Euro per child. . In such cases I'm willing to allocate the donation to a specific child at  the donator's request.   Although a general durable sponsorship will not be founded by this act, I'm willing to submit the existing personal data of the respective child including a photography to the donator. I cannot arrange a personal contact between a donator and "her / his" child. and I'm not willing to support that in order to guarantee and maintain equal chances for all children  of the program. It's up to the single sponsor whether she/he will maintain a contact after conclusion of the program.

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