Thursday, November 17, 2011

Medieval Settlement of Kirtipur

Kirtipur is a medieval settlement located along a narrow ridge towards the southwest of the Kathmandu Valley. The medieval Newari settlement was developed with fort-like characteristics. The victory over Kirtipur by the army from Gorkha was pivotal in the history of the unification of Nepal. Kirtipur is a testimony to the medieval art and architecture of the Newars.  The classified monuments include: Chilancho Vihar, Jagat  Pal Vihar, Buddha Dharma Sangha Shikhara, Baghbhairab Temple, Vath (Layaku), Umamaheshvar Temple, Indrayani Pith, Chitu Bahail, Lokeshwar Shikhara, Buddha Temple, Chve Bahal and Kwe Bahal

Satements of authenticity and/or integrity

The core area of the medieval settlement of Kirtipur still retains to a large degree its authentic character. Numerous monuments have been restored and an annual plan for restoration works are prepared and carried out. The municipality authorities are in the process of preparing zoning plans and corresponding building bylaws to control development.

Comparison with other similar properties

The Medieval Settlement of Kirtipur is culturally and historically related to the Monument Zones of the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site.  “Medieval Settlement of Kirtipur” can be considered as a possible future extension to the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Site.

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