Thursday, November 17, 2011

People and Places of kirtipur

Kirtipur is an ancient city in Nepal. It is located in Kathmandu District of Bagmati Zone 5 km south-west of the Kathmandu. It is one of the five municipalities of Kathmandu Valley. In the past there were 12 gates of the town. Parts of the old city wall still remain. There are some great views of Kathmandu and the mountains behind it.The name Kirtipur comes from Kirti (Glory) and pur (city).
The population of Kirtipur is around 50,000. Newars ( Maharjan) are the local inhabitants of Kirtipur.Kirtipur is on two hills and the saddle between the hills.
With its easily defendable hilltop location, when Prithvi Narayan Shah attacked the valley in 1768 (1826 B.S.), Kirtipur was the first place to be attacked. After a tough siege, the town was taken. The king being angry at the resistance order that all the male residents of the town have their lips and nose cut off, but those who could play wind instruments were spared. It is said that news of this punishment spread across the valley and resistant was weakened else where across the valley. Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur all quickly who defeated.
This was the site of inspirational peaceful demonstration of the people in the 2006 mass uprising that overthrew the powers of the king. It is considered as an anti monarchy city due to its bitter history against the Shah dynasty whose modern founder conquered the city insultingly to be followed by negligence of the administration and development by subsequent rulers.
TemplesAt the bottom of the two hills, where they meet is the three-tiered Bagh Bhairab Temple, which is holy to both Hindus and Buddhists. The main deity of the temple is Bhairab, in the form of a tiger. There is a temple torana to the left of the entrance with Vishnu riding Garuda. Bhairab in the middle of Ganesh and Kumar is below them. The temple is covered with swords and shields that belong to the troop of Kirtipur, who were defeat by the army of King Prithvi Narayan Shah. Sacrifices are made here on Tuesday and Saturday mornings.
The triple-roofed Uma Maheshwar Temple, or Hindu Kvat, is gotten by climbing the stone stairway by the saddle. On either side of the beginning of the stairway is a stone elephant with spikes on them. The main deities in this temple are standing Siva and Parvati. To the left of the main deities is the form of Siva with Parvati leaning against him seductively. From the temple there are good views of the surrounding area. The temple was originally built in 1673 and had four roofs. It was damaged in the earthquake of 1934 and was restored.
The Chilanchu Vihara is on top of the southern hill. It has a central stupa and four stupas around it. It has statues and bells.

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